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Hello there, I'm Amy 

In this season of my life, it feels like Spring. An awakening of things that have laid in wait for such a time as this.

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The best is yet to come...

Despite having lived through numerous "bests," in my mind’s eye it’s almost as though my past is all black and white and the coming future is full color. Or maybe it’s subtler than that – color to high definition. Paradoxically, the path ahead is both illuminated and shrouded in mystery. I see nothing but possibilities and yet as I focus, the next step is revealed, much like a landscape emerging from the morning mist.

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Every time I was scared, sick or bored as a little girl...

My parents would tell me a story about a young woman who found herself in a position to save her people. She made a difference through her voice – armed with wisdom, courage, and position – she saved a nation.


This inspirational story has been a compass in my life teaching me & reminding me:

  • of the power of words,

  • that we have a purpose,

  • that we can have the greatest impact when

    • we are who we are supposed to be, and

    • we are where we are supposed to be.

Looking back on my life...

I can see the moments that have shaped me: moments of victory, disappointment, love, heartache, failure and joy. But it’s not just these pivotal times that make a life. It is also created from the small, steady choices we make day after day. Our lives are like a canvas painted not only with grand gestures but also subtle strokes. It's the amalgamation of these moments, the habits we cultivate, our way of being in the world, the lens through which we perceive it all and our strengths and weaknesses that inherently shape the life we live.


Defining moments—we all have them...
these are some of mine. It’s these moments combined with my way of being in the world, that have led me here, to this point in my life:


The Insatiable Reader

From an early age, reading has been my constant companion, a source of solace and inspiration.


The Healing Waters

I spent childhood summers swimming in a spring-fed mountain lake—floating in the cool waters is what I picture when I want to invoke peace, healing or happiness.


The Problem Solver

In elementary school, I helped two friends solve an interpersonal problem concerning a necklace. Realizing I could have an influence on helping people problem solve was exhilarating for me.


The Seeker of Self

I discovered personality tests in my pre-teens and LOVED them; since then I have spent many hours devoted to self-discovery.


The Counsellor

I volunteered in a home for street kids, this work led me back to school to pursue social work.


The Overcomer

I conquered a panic disorder through prayer and applying what I was learning in my graduate studies.


The Mother

For as long as I can remember I wanted to be a Mom. Now that I am, it’s awesome. My kids are incredible humans. I’m excited to see the impact they too will have in their life – it’s exponential impact.

As a mom I’ve learned:

  • This too will pass

  • Let go

  • My own Mom is incredible


The Wife

I married young – really young for my generation – and about 10 years in, my husband told me being married to me was “like serving a life-sentence”.  In that moment, I was completely destroyed and incredibly motivated to change.

As a wife I’ve learned:

  • To be selfless

  • To keep going and to persevere

  • Real, lasting change is possible


The Artist

Always a creative, it wasn’t until after a cancer diagnosis that I started creating art for the process not the product. I knew in my bones that art was connected to my healing.

The bigger picture

I don’t know where my path will lead, but I know that making a difference matters to me. I am motivated to be free and to see others free - not just free from trauma or fear or pain or complacency, but free to love, to laugh and to embrace the life they were meant to live. Free to step out into their full-colour, high definition destiny.


A few facts about me...

Incredibly organized, but also incredibly messy.

Mother of 5, yet not a maternal bone in my body.  

People fascinate me. I love being around people but I need a lot of alone time. As a child I would hide in closets and under couches reading.

I love all types of music but am sensitive to sound. 

A licorice, and chocolate girl – and yes I love them together.

Fantastic at forgiving – I don’t hold grudges, and get over things really fast.

I love to dance.


This or that...

let's play a game

When making decisions, I rely more on:

  1. my intuition

  2. logical thinking

I need a:

  1. few deep connections

  2. wide circle of acquaintences

I’m more drawn to: ​​

  1. independent, quiet activities

  2. social gatherings and group activities

BOTH! Depending on the day, as long as I get a lot of alone time and a lot of connection time.

My ideal vacation is a:

  1. Tropical beach resort

  2. European city exploration

Either :) as long as I’ve got the right companion - for me it’s more about “who” than “where”.

I’m most energized/productive during the:

  1. morning

  2. afternoon

  3. evening

...but I’ve learned to love the mornings before the kids get up.

I can express myself best through:

  1. writing

  2. speaking

  3. art

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That's it. That's me. Welcome to my world.

Thank you for holding space for my story.

You may be wondering, where to next? Well...I just launched a podcast and I'd love it if you joined me.

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