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Work-Life Balance vs. Work-Life Integration: What’s the Difference, Why It Matters

Episode 11

Listen to The Art of Plenty every Thursday to gain insights and inspiration to live a life you love.

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Did you know that the term work-life balance first came about in the early 1900’s to help reduce burnout for factory workers? Work has changed a lot since then (hello Internet!), so it’s only natural that the way we think about how work fits into our lives should change too. Enter: Work-life integration.

In this episode, I’ll talk about the difference between work-life balance and work-life integration, and reveal some signs that you likely have a high level of integration in your own career and life.

I’ll discuss why flexibility is not always an essential ingredient for successful work-life integration and why having integration doesn’t mean saying goodbye to the boundaries you’ve set between your work and personal life.

I’ll share some tips for increasing your own work-life integration (that don’t involve getting a new job!), including what my mom taught me about integration before anyone was even talking about integration

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In this episode, you'll learn:

  • 0:10: Work-life balance is such an outdated concept!

  • 7:04: It’s not always realistic to leave ourselves, our emotions, and our stress at the door

  • 9:10: Work-life integration is a more holistic approach that acknowledges work and life are interconnected.

  • 10:31: Work-life integration vs work life balance

  • 11:22: What is work-life integration, really? What does it look like in real life?

  • 12:48: The first to having work-life integration step relates to truly knowing yourself and what you value

  • 16:26: Here’s how you know you have a high level of work-life integration

  • 18:16: There is a blurring between your work and personal life because your work becomes an expression of you are

  • 19:18: How my mom introduced me to the concept of work-life integration

  • 22:45: Did this episode intrigue you about the topic of work-life integration?  I really want to hear your story in the reviews! Or check out my course!

Mentioned in the episode:

  • The courses: 

    • Finding Your Authentic Self: Creating a life aligned with your core values is not just a dream, it can actually be your reality.

    • The Integrated Life: 5 weeks to more enjoyable work, authentic living, and a happier you

Explore more with these resources:

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